KTV WORKING DRONE - Franchise model


KTV Working Drone

Welcome to the information page for the franchise model for KTV Working Drone


KTV Group was founded in 1992 by owner and serial founder Kennet Nilsen.

His interest has always been in the development of new products and services, and for over 33 years KTV has worked with maintenance in offshore, industry and real estate, in Norway and also abroad.

The KTV Group has developed KTV Working Drone.

KTV Working Drone

2020 was the year we started using drones for facade and window cleaning. In 2022, we launched the drone in Norway and internationally, and the response was fantastic. By the end of 2024 we have 65 country franchisees signed from all over the world.  

Globally, we already have several property developers who need 100s of drones in operation only on their own buildings, and several hundred customers who want to buy drones from most countries in the world.

The estimated need for drone cleaning services is approximately 2,500,000 drones internationally.

KTV Working Drone

2020 was the year we started using drones for facade and window cleaning. In 2022, we launched the drone in Norway and internationally, and the response was fantastic. By the end of 2024 we have 65 country franchisees signed from all over the world.  

Globally, we already have several property developers who need 100s of drones in operation only on their own buildings, and several hundred customers who want to buy drones from most countries in the world.

The estimated need for drone cleaning services is approximately 2,500,000 drones internationally.

Watch the drone in action

More videos of the drone in the gallery section on www.ktvworkingdrone.com

Watch our showcase on Vimeo

KTV Working Drone
KTV Working Drone
KTV Working Drone

Huge interest

After we launched the KTV Working Drone, the interest have been amazing. From all over the world.

Surely if we wanted, we could easilly sell at least 1,000 drones. Pushing them straight into the market.

But we are aware of the danger in doing this. The result would be too much competition and big risk of price dumping, which in turn increases the risk of accidents, and breaches of laws and regulations. This would hurt us all.

We want a market where safety is maintained and prices are regulated. Therefore, it was decided to grant rights in countries, citys, areas via franchise agreements.

The franchise model

Brief introduction to our franchise model

The franchise model

Our franchise model gives the franchisee area rights for a country, a city, or a municipality. There will always be one main franchisee holder in a country. This franchisee will have the opportunity to sell other areas in his franchise area to new franchisees. This will naturally require a larger investment.

Said with just a few words; We want to control the market. This to assure that our franchisees will have good earnings from the start, with a business result of 25-40%. That’s why the franchise model and franchisees must be divided into smaller areas that are controlled.

If you have access to capital, it is a great advantage to have national rights.

The earning potential

Drone efficiency and work time
The drone is capable of cleaning approx. 1000-1500 square meters of façade per hour with the SelfCleaner method. For window cleaning with the clean water method, the drone is capable of approx. 300-500 square meters per hour.

By controlling the drone cleaning services in combination with 5-10 times more efficient execution, earnings will be high.

See examples of project and prices: EXAMPLES

The franchisee may also take part in the further development of the drone

– Spray painting
With continued development, extended testing and new partnerships with paint manufacturers, we are moving closer to the final testing fase.

– Higher altitudes
We have solved the operating height restriction with our patent pending roof safety system. There are no longer limitations on operation height, and we will continue the testing to be able to operate safely in heights and altitudes up to 600 meters and above.

– Goggles
As a result of operating in higher altitudes, the use of special flight goggles is being considered and tested.

– Control rooms
Looking beyond 2025, KTV Working Drones is planning to create special control rooms where drone pilots can operate drones all over the world via the internet. Drone Pilots will be able to provide support, provide remote tasks, work safer and be able to provide specialist service to anywhere there is service.

Remote control rooms would be a great advantage in areas with a lot of noise, high/low temperatures, and other ‘problem’ areas.

Sample jobs and what customer is invoiced

Solåsen condominiums

5 apartment buildings
Assignment: Window cleaning and glass fronts on the terraces.

Personnel: 2 workers
Working hours: 8 hours
Customer invoiced:  EUR 6000 + VAT

Skarven condominiums

2 apartment buildings
Assignment: Facade cleaning

Personnel: 2 workers
Working hours: 9 hours
Customer invoiced:  EUR 9200 + VAT

Verket condominiums

2 apartment buildings
Assignment: Facade + window cleaning

Personnel: 2 workers
Working hours: 16 hours
Customer invoiced:  EUR 14 000 + VAT

Viken Amfi condominiums

2 apartment buildings
Assignment: Facade cleaning

Personnel: 3 workers
Working hours: 8 hours
Customer invoiced:  EUR 14 000 + VAT

Meierikvarteret condominiums

2 apartment buildings
Assignment: Window cleaning

Personnel: 2 workers
Working hours: 6 hours
Customer invoiced:  EUR 4500 + VAT

Gulating District Court

Large court house building
Assignment: Facade cleaning

Personnel: 3 workers
Working hours: 6 hours
Customer invoiced:  EUR 8300 + VAT

What do you get as a franchisee?


KTV Working Drone will handle getting the operating license for drones in the franchise country. This is very important, because without the operation license and the correct permissions and authorizations, it would not be possible to use drones for this type of work.

Bluetag business system

All franchisees will use the Bluetag business system. KTV Group is also behind the development of Bluetag, and the program is tailored for this kind of operations. It provides major savings in company administration. The development cost of Bluetag is 750 000 EUR, and we have our own developers and programming team, accountants, salesmen and project managers, to ensure that the system is as good as possible

We are planning to start selling Bluetag from 2025. Bluetag will be offered to companies around the world, with a guarantee that using the program, it will give double back in relation to what the customer pay. This is a unique system that is easy to use and maintain. KTV is ISO accredited and Bluetag complies with the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Bluetag saves you resources on administration, sales, accounting, and project management is automated within the system. This reduces expenses and frees up more time for operations and customer interaction.

General drone and franchisee support​

Support on drone technical issues, projects, sales, marketing, operating permits and the Bluetag system.
KTV will provide the necessary operating permits in the various countries.

Brand protection and manual

KTV Working Drone is a registered trademark worldwide. Franchisees will receive a marketing and profile manual.


In addition to the drone itself, franchisees will have access to all the equipment and accessories, as well as materials and work clothes that are needed. We are also working on the development of a high-pressure washer that is 100% adapted for the drone. Our goal is to reduce costs, as well as increase quality and our own equipment design.


For façade and building cleaning, we developed the SelfCleaner method. This method has been tested since 2015, and about 6 million m2 have been cleaned with this technique. The SelfCleaner method is using a chemistry that is completely harmless to the surroundings, windows, clothes, furniture, etc.

The franchisees will receive the rights to the chemistry SelfCleaner in their franchise area.

Franchisee cost

What does it cost to become a franchisee?

The price for the franchise rights for a country is depending on the country and the area. In addition to the price the franchisee also pay a percentage of the turnover.

If the franchisee distributes rights to sub franchisees, the sub franchisees will pay a given fee and pay 10% of their turnover in a separate agreement. Of this payment, 50% goes to the franchisee and the remaining 50% to KTV Group. KTV handles all contracts and agreements.

Payment of the turnover fee is programmed into the Bluetag system, and the fee is paid automatically when generating an invoice. The same will apply to the franchisees with sub franchisees contracts.

For companies that want to become a franchisee with existing business operations, this will be included in the model.

We are committed to finding partners with business understanding and good financial standing, to possibly gain control of their market as quickly as possible.

We are positive to additional services such as cleaning, surface treatment, inspection and/or other drone-related services. The companys main operation must be focused on maintenance / inspection / cleaning operations.

What is included?

What is included in the fee the franchisees pay when given the franchise rights for a country?

  • Assistance and establishment of country license
  • UAV manual and policies
  • Setup of country CRM system (BlueTag)
  • BlueTag licenses
  • Training and accreditation for 2 pilots
  • Setup of country digital assets and web page
  • Media kit and content building guidelines
  • Access to marketing support for the country
  • Exclusive master partnership franchise for the country

Still interested?

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